Empowering You to
Realize Your Destiny

Despite what the world or your circumstances may tell you, you were created for this moment, with a divine purpose waiting to be fulfilled. Your destiny is in your hands—our mission is to help you unlock it and thrive.

About ATKV

Advancing the Kingdom's Vision SSM is a dynamic faith-based ministry dedicated to empowering individuals and organizations to fully realize their God-given potential. 

With over 30 years of experience spanning health, personal development, entrepreneurship, and spiritual growth, we bring a unique blend of wisdom, practical skills, and advanced technologies to transform lives and businesses alike.

Our mission, inspired by John 11:44, is to "Loose him, and let him go," liberating you from the habits, behaviors, and internal wounds that hinder your progress. 

We take a holistic approach, addressing every aspect of life and business—relationships, mindset, beliefs, operations, and beyond—to simplify your life, maximize your impact, and enable you to walk in the fullness of Christ.

At Advancing the Kingdom's Vision, we believe that true transformation begins with understanding how all elements of life and work interconnect. We identify your talents, develop your skills, and create an environment where God's Spirit can minister to heal your heart, mind, and emotions. 

Our holistic ministry doesn't just offer solutions; we partner with you to break free from limitations and steward a life that reflects God’s love and purpose.

By leveraging cutting-edge technologies and Spirit-led leadership, we equip you to execute the vision God has entrusted to you, advancing His Kingdom and drawing others into the light of His love.

Join us, and let's unlock the full potential within you to impact the world for Christ.

Unleashing Full Potential

Spiritual growth, Personal development, Entrepreneurship, and Advancing Technologies like Web3.0, AI, and the Metaverse are going to play and important roles in society and can all be powerful tools for helping people become outstanding leaders and world-changing entrepreneurs.

Spiritual Growth

Spiritual growth plays a critical role in properly utilizing what is in our hands to help humanity. By understanding what the gospel message really is and knowing how to walk in it, you will positively impact lives and revolutionize our world. 

Personal Dev.

Developing your emotional intelligence, your skills, your understanding and your wisdom allows you to serve at greater capacities and steward larger visions because you have the necessary development to lead into the future.


Outstanding Entrepreneurship touches every sector of society and brings God's answers to humanities problems while enabling us to touch peoples lives at the heart level. By developing entrepreneurial skills and mindset, you can become a leader in your field and create transforming value to our world.

Advance tech

Advancing technologies, such as virtual and augmented reality, the mega verse and other disruptive tech, are opening up new possibilities for innovation and growth. By staying up-to-date on the latest technologies and trends, you can position yourself to take advantage of emerging opportunities.


Artificial intelligence (AI) is also playing an increasingly important role in many fields, from healthcare to finance to transportation. By learning about and mastering AI technologies, people can not only gain valuable skills and knowledge that can help become leaders in their fields but they can accelerate their impact.


Web3.0 technologies, such as blockchain and decentralized applications (dApps), are designed to create a more open and transparent internet, and can be used to build new platforms and systems that are more decentralized and secure. This can provide opportunities for people to develop innovative solutions to real-world problems and create value for others.

Overall, by leveraging the power of Web3.0, AI, and advancing technologies, and combining them with spiritual growth, personal development, and entrepreneurship, individuals can develop the skills and knowledge they need to become outstanding leaders and world-changing entrepreneurs.

Discover the 13 Sacred Sectors Of Life that Once Mastered Will Unlock Your Destiny  

Begin to accelerate your journey today!

Where you are today is the direct result of the decisions you alone made, based on the beliefs you alone chose to embrace and the feelings that drove your actions you alone repeatedly took, compounded over time. But there is a way you can rapidly change your destiny and get back on the fast track to God's plan for your life, so you can walk out your destiny.

Here's what you'll learn in this 

Free 3-Part Masterclass Series

Discover why almost everyone struggles but few understand how to fix it. Those that do, thrive.
Unlock 7 Key needs that must be filled the right way or you'll set a course of dangerous habits.
3 Simple Pillars to walk in alignment with God & Realize What is Truly an Abundant Life.
Develop the 1 skill that will unlock your destiny.



Jacksonville, Florida

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2022-10 Advancing The Kingdom's Vision, SSM


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